
LED lighting makes it possible to manipulate the color

The active materials in LEDs have become so efficient and stable that research is currently shifting to the development of nanostructures that allow control over the directional distribution, the spectrum and the brightness of LED light, and the white light produced after the conversion of blue LED light by phosphors. This project will address the simultaneous optimization of all of these factors using nanostructures.Dr Jan ten Thije Boonkkamp, Mathematics Section, Mathematics and Computer Science Department, Eindhoven University of Technology. Ray-tracing is a common simulation technique in optical design. However, the technique is expensive and imprecise when simulating fine details. The objective of this project is to combine this technique with visualization of the phase space of the optical system. This makes it possible to split the Wholesale Led high bay light phase space into a small number of ray sets. The new method will make the design of optical systems better, faster and cheaper. This will give rise to shorter development times for new prototypes of lamps and light sources that use LEDs.

Leo Marcelis, Horticultural Production Chains (HPC) Section, Plant Sciences Department, Wageningen University & Research Center. Recent research has shown that LED light on growing tomato fruits doubles their vitamin C content. The objective of this project is to understand exactly how that happens and to develop a practical lighting strategy for increasing the vitamin C content in fruits.Dr Wouter van Marken Lichtenbelt, Human Biology Section, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University. Experiencing a pleasant temperature does not depend on temperature alone. Light is also an important factor in this. LED lighting makes it possible to manipulate the color, intensity and dynamics of the light. This project will examine the interaction between light incidence, thermal comfort and the energy consumption of the human body.

Dr Hans Matthijs, Aquatic Microbiology Section, Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics, University of Amsterdam.Algae are becoming more important as a future source of biomass and animal feed. The process of converting energy from sunlight by algae and plants is not particularly efficient: some 93-99% of the energy captured is lost. The electrons excited by light are only processed slowly in the reaction centers for photosynthesis. This project examines whether pulsed LED lighting can bring about improved processing of excited electrons and therefore increase photosynthesis efficiency.The Chinese government views the growth of the LED industry as a national security matter. As a result, it is driving a vast LED manufacturing effort and offering Agent of floodlight subsidies from central and local government agencies to help build its own LED industry. In 2010, China embarked on an ambitious “Many Cities, Many Lights” program for streetlamp lighting to help its own LED industry. China has been in the LED bulb business for more than a decade but has more recently concentrated its efforts to acquire LED growth and manufacturing know-how.

