
it is the blue part which causes the problem

According to Think-Spain.com, once the retina cells are destroyed by prolonged and continuous exposure to LED rays, they cannot be replaced and will not regrow.Researchers said this is caused by the high levels of radiation in the 'blue band' , and is likely to become a global epidemic in the medium term given that computer, mobiles and TV screens, and even traffic and street lights, have been gradually replaced with Agent of floodlight. Experts are calling for the lights to have built-in filters to cut out the blue glare.Dr Celia Sanchez Ramos, investigator at Madrid's Complutense University, said the retina never regenerates itself once it has become damaged. Ramos said LED lights are made up of rainbow longitude waves, and it is the blue part which causes the problem.Epistar, recently pulled aside the curtains to reveal a hint of its next big-time product late this year to boost revenue, with industry insiders guessing the new launch to be automotive LEDs.
Other major LED companies in Taiwan, including Everlight, Lextar, Unity Opto Technology, Formosa Epitaxy, are all reportedly aggressively developing business in this lucrative field with low profile.Epistar's high-voltage LED successfully tapped into Philips' supply chain in 2012, and the company has been aggressively trying to widen the gap with its mainland Chinese rivals. Epistar chairman Lee Biing-jye says that his company plans to launch several new products this year, including the LED filament, high light-emission directionality LED lighting sources, and a secret product scheduled for the second quarter.Epistar has successfully tapped into supply chains of German carmakers Mercedes-Benz and BMW, though the Taiwanese company now supplies LED lighting for vehicle indicators. Today's cars typically require 30 to 40 types of LED lighting sources, meaning a market with high potential.

Industry insiders say that Epistar might have many business opportunities in the automotive-application LED market, including infrared LED in automotive night-vision systems, parking sensors, vehicle camera recorders etc.; as well as high-grade ultra-high brightness (UHB) LEDs Wholesale Led high bay light in interior illumination, brake lights, directional lights, DRLs etc.. However, most operators eye the headlamp segment.According to new research by Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture in collaboration with Philips, exposing tomatoes to extra light from LED lamps during the growing process boosts the fruit’s nutritional value by nearly doubling the amount of vitamin C.The partnership will be continued in a joint facility for research into the application of LED lamps in horticulture (IDC LED) that will open May 16 in Bleiswijk.Scientists at Wageningen UR studied several tomato varieties and various intensities of light. They used special LED modules that were suspended between the plants around the tomato clusters. The tomatoes normally hang in the shade as they grow beneath the leaves, a little below the top of the plant. The LEDs therefore exposed the tomatoes to a little extra “sunlight."

you can read more:http://windons7x.blogspot.com/2013/11/it-is-leader-in-this-technology.html

