
The Television Broadcast industry sector continues to struggle with across the board expenditure reduction

LED lighting is well accepted by the broadcast TV and videography industry sectors and is progressing in the motion picture/film industry sector for lighting effects and set lighting, mainly because of its flexibility.  A single light source can generate a great variety of colors.  Additionally, continuous cost/performance improvements driven by technological advancements are driving the LED lighting fixture market from a niche-only solution to a general use solution.

The Motion Picture industry segment is forecast to grow at the fastest pace in consumption value.  The Television Broadcast industry sector continues to struggle with across the board expenditure reduction, due mainly to the decline in advertisement revenue.  The professional Videographer sector, on a relative-basis, tends to use the smaller and the less expensive light panels/fixtures.

The market research study by ElectroniCast examined and analysis of the changing market dynamics for the major types of LED-based lighting fixtures, segmented by shape and size, such as: small and larger square/rectangle and small circular/ring/Fresnel-lamp types

According to ElectroniCast, the 12x12-inch (or larger) LED Panel category is forecast to capture the lead in relative market share of consumption value. The Circular/ Ring/ Fresnel fixture category, which includes fixtures with an outer diameter of 12-inches or larger, is forecast to eventually take the second-place position in market share.

