
the bar in the LED Street Lighting Market

Wu confirmed that his company is vying for orders from GE, Philips and other globally known brands for the time being, and aims to take advantage of this possible chance to explore overseas markets. In the short term, both contract manufacturing and branding will be the company’s core business.In this business tie-up, Epistar severs as an upstream supplier of epitaxial wafers and LED chips for Nan Ya Photonics engaged in manufacturing of LED bulbs, with Nan Ya Plastics being a sales arm.Lighting is a huge consumer of electricity and LED lights consume a fraction compared to traditional incandescent lights or even fluorescent lights, which are themselves capable of up to 75% savings in power over incandescent. Lighting accounts for led high bay light of global electricity consumption, so changes that slash the energy consumption of the sector could have a significant impact on electricity demand.

One factor holding back earlier adoption has been price. As production capacity rapidly rises and the rare earth metals yttrium, europium and terbium have fallen in price, the cost of manufacture has come down, speeding uptake.Rare Earth Phosphor-based LEDs have an expected life of 50,000 hours and some are sold with five-year warranties, but so far the capital cost has inhibited uptake as quickly as the industry hoped. But overcapacity is forcing manufacturers to drop prices and raw materials, in the form of rare earth elements, have dropped to a third of where they were a year ago.The unique combination of rare earths and semiconductor technology is also opening up the possibility for lighting, at least LED lighting, to mimic sunlight and colored tones rather than the harsher tones of conventional bulbs, which in turn opens up possibilities for lighting to be so much more than just a utility service.

Lighting manufacturers may be going through a competitive period of re-adjustment, but REE demand will benefit from the growth of an industry with plenty of potential.The evaluation criteria established by Minnesota Power requires DLC Certification, as well as many other rigorous requirements. ALT's IP68 certification along with superior power supply design and thermal management has raised the bar in the LED Street Lighting Market and has been recognized by Minnesota Power.Design Lights Consortium (DLC)-an organization funded by, and associated with, the U.S. Department of Energy led flood light-focuses on certifying only high quality and high performance LED lighting products. DLC is used as the standard in the US for LED lighting, for both private and public projects. The many available energy rebate programs dealing with LED lighting products require DLC certification in order to be eligible for any incentives.

