
This can save anywhere from weeks to months of design time for a complex design

LED lighting design requires a complex set of calculations with custom firmware to deliver consistent color. The two biggest problems that LED lighting engineers face are having to account for differing LED performance specifications based on manufacturing bins and the LEDs' degradation.over different temperatures. With PSoC Designer 5.0, designers simply select a color from a gamut presented on-screen. Pre-loaded manufacturers' bin specifications and choice of either temperature or optical feedback algorithms are automatically applied to the selected design and programmed into an led high bay light controller. This can save anywhere from weeks to months of design time for a complex design.

EZ-Color LED controllers can support up to 16 LED strings, compared to four or five strings for competitive devices. The additional strings can mean a savings of dozens or even hundreds of controllers in very large designs, cutting design complexity, power consumption and board space. The EZ-Color LED controllers are powered by Cypress patent pending PrISM(TM) (Precise Illumination Signal Modulation) technology. The PrISM modulation technology significantly reduces low-frequency flicker and radiated electro-magnetic interference (EMI)--common problems in LED lighting designs. Designers also have the flexibility to add additional functionality to the EZ-Color controllers, including battery charging, motor control, thermal feedback, programmable control gear and other features.

In order to better provide these benefits and control in-house its manufacturing processes, LUXINTEC has incorporated to its factory of the led high bay light of Boecillo a Surface Mounting Device line–also known as SMD line.Such machinery is specific for the correct positioning of electronic components involved in the final LED system solution.As a result of this investment, LUXINTEC foresees a substantial increase of its production capacity in order to be able to respond to the demands of its current and target partners. In addition, the enterprise aims to improve its control over the manufacturing cycles and reduce the times of introduction of its LED solutions into the market.

